(RSS 20) Event-driven visual-tactile sensing and learning for robots

0 Abstract

0.1 Contribution

  1. 贡献一种事件驱动 Event-Driven 的 视觉–触觉 Visual-Tactile 传感系统
  2. 提出一种生物启发 Biologically-Inspired 的触觉传感器
  3. 多模态 Multi-Modal 基于脉冲 Spiking-Based 的学习方法 VT-SNN
  4. 首次开源基于事件的视触数据集

0.2 Pro

  1. 结合事件传感器,快速感知
  2. 智能节能机器人 Intelligent Power-Efficient Robot Systems

1 Introduction

1.1 Background

  1. E.g. 从冰箱里拿一盒豆浆 (1)
  2. 人类通过 视觉–触觉 来操作,但是人脑比起 DNN 节能 [2], [3]
  3. 生物系统:异步,事件驱动 Asynchronous & Event-Driven
  4. 事件驱动的感知:节能且低延迟 Power-Efficiency & Low-Latency [Intel Loihi 芯片],对实时机器人系统友好
  5. 事件驱动的系统研究尚在研究

1.2 Algorithm

  1. 训练 VT-SNN 是基于脉冲反向传播 Spike-Based Backpropagation
  2. 促进早期分类:权重脉冲计数损失 Weighted Spike-Count Loss

1.3 Experiment

  1. 任务:物品分类和(旋转)滑动检测 Object Classification & (Rotational) Slip Detection
  2. 滑动检测:在 0.08 s 内正确检测到
  3. 视觉触觉的脉冲处理时间:1 ms
  4. 优势:比类似架构的 ANN 效果好,在 Intel Loihi 芯片上能够取得与GPU类似的性能,但能耗低一个数量级

2.1 Visual-Tactile Perception for Robots

  1. 最早追溯到1984年,描述物体表面
  2. 早期工作由于触觉传感器的分辨率低,触觉只是起到辅助支持作用
  3. 任务:object exploration[18], classification[19]-[21], shape completion[22], slip detection[23], [24]…
  4. 触觉传感器:BioTac (RGB), GelSight (optical-based)
  5. 生成视觉触觉数据的神经表示,用于强化学习[12]

2.2 Event-based Perception: Sensors and Learning

  1. 事件相机:the DVS and Prophesee Onboard… 异步捕获像素变化
  2. 事件触觉传感器:少,一般是事件相机 + 弹性材料
  3. Neuromorphic learning: SNN…
  4. Spiking Neural Network (SNN)
    • Low latency
    • High temporal resolution
    • Low power consumption
    • 但缺乏好的训练方式
    • Spike 不可微,所以基于梯度反向传播算法的训练不行
    • SLAYER: (approximate) back-propagation method for SNN
  5. 任务:emotion detection…

3 NeuTouch: An Event-Based Tactile Sensor

4 Visual-Tactile Spiking Neural Network (VT-SNN)

4.1 Model Architecture


4.1.1 Vision SNN

  1. Input: 100 x [2, 250, 200, 150]
  2. Architecture
    • Polling Layer: kernel size = stride size = 4
    • Fully Connection Layer: 2 dense spiking layers (spiking convolutional layers poor performance)
  3. Output: 10
Input Dataset Trials Number Prophesee Resolution Cropped Resolution Time Steps
vis_xx.npy 100 640 x 480 × 2 200 × 250 150
Table 1. Prophesee Event Camera Dataset

4.1.2 Tactile SNN

  1. Input: 100 x [78, 2, 150]
  2. Architecture:
    • Polling Layer: kernel size = stride size = 4
    • Fully Connection Layer: 2 dense spiking layers (spiking convolutional layers poor performance)
  3. Output: 50
Input Dataset Trials Number NeuTouch Resolution Processed Resolution Time Steps
tact_xx.npy 100 39 × 2 × 2 No 150
Table 2. NeuTouch Tactile Sensor.Dataset

4.1.3 Task SNN

  1. Input: 60 = 10 (Visual) + 50 (Tactile)
  2. Architecture
    • Agnostic to the size of the input time dimension 模型结构与输入的时间维度无关
  3. Output:
    • 20: Container & Weight Classification
    • 2: Rotational Slip Classification

4.2 Neuron Model

4.2.1 Spike Response Model (SRM)

  • Incoming spikes $s_i(t)$ are convolved with a response kernel $\epsilon(\cdot)$ to yield a spike response signal that is scaled by a synaptic weight $w_i$
    u(t)=\sum w_i\left(\epsilon * s_i\right)(t)+(\nu * o)(t)
  • $u(t)$: internal state (membrane potential)
  • $\varphi$: predefined threshold
  • $w_i$: synaptic weight
  • $*$: indicates convolution
  • $s_i(t)$: incoming spikes from input $i$
  • $\epsilon(\cdot)$: response kernel
  • $\nu(\cdot)$: refractory kernel
  • $o(t)$: neuron’s output spike train

4.3 Model Training

4.3.1 SLAYER:

  1. using a stochastic spiking neuron approximation to derive an approximate gradient
  2. a temporal credit assignment policy to distribute errors

4.3.2 Training Consideration

  1. Spiking data needs to be binned into fixed-width interval during the training process (on GPU)
  2. Used a straight-forward binning process

4.3.3 Details of Training

  1. (binary) value for each bin window $V_w$ was 1 whenever the total spike count in that window exceeded a threshold value $S_{min}$
    V_w= \begin{cases}1 & \sum_w S \geq S_{\min } \ 0 & \text { otherwise }\end{cases}
  2. Class prediction is determined by the number of spikes in the output layer spike train
    1. Neuron that generates the most spikes represents the winning class
    2. Spike-Count loss Definition
      • Captures the difference between the observed output spike count and the desired spike count across the output neurons (indexed by n)
        \mathcal{L}=\frac{1}{2} \sum_{n=0}^{N_o}\left(\sum_{t=0}^T \mathbf{s}^n(t)-\sum_{t=0}^T \tilde{\mathbf{s}}^n(t)\right)^2
  3. A generalization of the spike-count loss above to incorporate temporal weighting
    1. Set $\omega(t)$ to be monotonically decreasing, which encourages early classification by down-weighting later spikes
    2. Used a simple quadratic function (其他的形式也应该可以)
      \omega(t)={\beta}t^2+\gamma \quad\text{with}\quad\beta<0
    3. Appropriate counts have to be specified for the correct and incorrect classes and are task-specific hyperparameters.
    4. Tuned them manually and found that setting the positive class count to $≈$ 50% of the maximum number of spikes (across each input within the considered time interval) worked well


5 Robot & Sensor Setup

5.1 NeuTouch Tactile Sensor

5.2 Prophesee Event Camera

5.3 RGB Cameras

5.4 OptiTrack

6 Container & Weight Classification

7 Rotational Slip Classification

8 Discussion: Speed & Power Efficiency

9 Conclusion